First November. a modest antinociceptive injection pre vs. post-injection: 63.21 vs. 76.92 g 2.98 g 4.22, P 0.05, t-test is provided . In addition, the treatment CT99021 CHIR-99021 did not VER Change paw withdrawal thresholds Cremophor day 21 relative to day 0 reference thresholds of paw withdrawal in a group. Day 0 reference thresholds of paw withdrawal on average 4.23 g and 4.61 g 46.89 63.60 prior to the start of treatment in Cremophor groups, which subsequently End again AM1241 AM1714 and u, respectively at 21 days. A lower threshold base was observed in the former against the latter group. The differences between the groups of reference thresholds of paw withdrawal k Nnte with individual differences in sensitivity of the device Th electrovonfrey for each animal, the threshold t was very reliably Combined evenly and reproducibly.
No difference between day 0 reference thresholds of paw withdrawal were observed for all groups TW-37 tested by the same experimenter in a particular study. Effects of AM1241 AM1241 and its enantiomers on paclitaxel evoked mechanical allodynia increased Hte mechanical withdrawal thresholds in a dose- Ngigen way in comparison to state. The two high doses and in the middle of the paw withdrawal threshold AM1241 high out of the vehicle. Effects of low dose of AM1241 not differ from the vehicle. Both determined comparing the high and medium doses of AM1241 also elevated paw withdrawal thresholds to pre-injection thresholds 21 days after paclitaxel treatment.
Neither the low dose of DMSO AM1241, or comparable changed Paw withdrawal thresholds compared to thresholds paclitaxel injection pre evaluated after 21 days. Medium and high doses of AM1241 normalized paw withdrawal thresholds relative to baseline, w Not to do during the DMSO. AM1241 increased Ht paw withdrawal thresholds in terms of state in paclitaxel-treated groups. AM1241 not significantly increased Paw withdrawal threshold of the hen from the vehicle. Showed, however, post hoc comparisons no differential effects between AM1241 AM1241 or AM1241 and is on the threshold of paw withdrawal. Both AM1241 and AM1241 increased Ht fa Significant thresholds of paw withdrawal from 21 days before the injection thresholds, w Not done during AM1241. AM1241 AM1241 normalized paw withdrawal thresholds and also relative to day 0 prepaclitaxel thresholds.
However, the normalization of paw withdrawal threshold in the groups, the DMSO is missing. The CB2 agonist AM1714 suppressed suppressed novel paclitaxel-induced mechanical allodynia AM1714 paclitaxel-induced allodynia in a dose-dependent Dependent. All three doses of paclitaxel AM1714 suppressed mechanical allodynia compared with vehicle-treated counterparts. AM1714 paclitaxel was also normalized relative to mechanical allodynia induced by paclitaxel pre baselines. The h Compared HIGHEST dose but not medium or low dose of AM1714 high threshold of the paw withdrawal up to 21 days before the injection limits. Pharmacological specificity of t Neither the CB1 antagonist SR141716 or the CB2-selective antagonist SR144528 paclitaxel VER Changed mechanical allodynia in relation to pre injection levels. The CB2 antagonist SR144528 blocks the Rahn et al. Page 6 J Pharmacol Exp Ther. Author manuscript, increases available in PMC 2009 1 November. PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH Author Manuscript NIH PA anti-allodynic effects of AM1241 AM1714 and two.