The decapeptides that make up the defined mTOR inhibitor epitope sequences had an average pI of 6·45 (Table 2), while the average pI for the remaining decapeptides equalled 7·11. There was also no significant difference between the amino acid usage within the sequences for antigenic and non-antigenic regions. To visualize the location of the seven significant and common epitopes, to determine
surface availability of these epitopes and to assess the proximity of these epitopes to functional regions of the protein we referred to the crystal structure model of MPO determined by Fiedler et al. [12]. Epitope 1 is located within the pro-peptide region of the protein and is therefore not identified in the processed, mature form of the protein represented in the 3D model. Using this model, epitope 3 is the only epitope within close proximity to the active site of the protein (His261, Arg405 and Gln257) (Fig. 2). Both epitopes 6 and 7 share close proximity within SCH727965 supplier the structural model of the protein, even though they are separated by 195 amino acids within the linear sequence. Interestingly, 11 of the 12 patients target one or both of these two epitopes, suggesting that this
commonly targeted region of the protein could be an important feature in identifying immunodominant epitopes in the pathogenesis of AAV. Comparing our identified epitopes from the Bepipred linear epitope prediction tool we have identified Tenofovir four predicted epitopes (AEYEDGFSLPYGWTPGVKRNG, YRSYNDSVDPR, RYQPMEPNPRVP, SYPR) containing all or part of the amino acid sequences identified in our study (epitopes 2, 5, 6 and 7). Further comparisons with other antibody epitope prediction methods identified epitope 3 containing
one predicted epitope (RIPCFLA) by Kolaskar and Tongaonkar antigenicity and epitope 7 containing the last predicted epitope (NSYPRD) by Emini surface accessibility prediction. Using the ElliPro algorithm, we have found epitope 1 embedded in the predicted first epitope and epitope 2 beginning in the second predicted epitope sequence. Thus, utilizing multiple B cell epitope prediction algorithms, similarities were seen between predicted epitopes and all seven identified epitopes in our study. The purpose of this study was to use fine specificity epitope mapping to identify common antigenic targets of MPO that could provide insight into pathomechanisms involving anti-MPO autoantibodies. The pathogenic potential of MPO-ANCA in vasculitis and glomerulonephritis has been demonstrated through murine passive transfer experiments [18]. MPO-ANCA also have the ability to interfere with ceruloplasmin inhibition of MPO [19,20].