The Asian and African distribution of T. cingulata versus Europe for T. ljubarskyi; the thickness of the basidiomes: 2–10 mm. for T. cingulata versus 30 mm. for T. ljubarskyi; the pore pattern
and dissepiments: round and regular, 4–6 per mm., fairly thick dissepiments for T. cingulata versus circular to angular, 3–4 per mm., thin dissepiments for T. ljubarskyi and strikingly different upper surface: FHPI frequently concentrically sulcate and whitish to ochraceous becoming sooty black spreading from the base for T. cingulata versus azonate and whitish to ochraceous becoming pale grayish brown in spots for T. ljubarskyi. Furthermore, according to our own observations, basidiomes of T. ljubarskyi are paler than those of the isotype of T. cingulata which
is rather red brown. Nevertheless these 2 species share several common features: somewhat broadly ellipsoid basidiospores (a very unusual character in this group) with similar sizes strictly pored hymenial surface remaining so during development of the basidiomes and glabrous and somewhat glossy upper surface. ‘Lenzites’ warnieri As mentioned above, ‘Lenzites’ warnieri creates a unique branch according to the topology of the Bayesian tree. This unresolved phylogenetic position is reflected in the fact that the species possesses many morphological features from other genera, and this ultimately would place L. warnieri in a separate genus. This Mediterranean Mocetinostat solubility dmso species is always glabrous and dull, with strictly lamellate hymenial surface (character in common with T. betulina), without parietal crystals on the hyphae (Artolenzites, Leiotrametes). L. warnieri shows superficial skeletal hyphae filled with a brown resinous content not selleck chemical accumulating at the apex (Fig. 4e) and its abhymenial surface turns deep brown with 5% KOH. These 2 features also characterize species of the genus Leiotrametes.
This supports one of the striking points emphasized in this study: there is no correlation at all between type of hymenial surface and Sclareol phylogenetic position of a species within the Trametes-group. The lamellate Lenzites warnieri, Artolenzites elegans and T. betulina are not monophyletic and show no close relationship. Lenzites is therefore discarded. Unfortunately, because of the absence or very weak development of the hymenium in most of our specimens, we cannot rule about the taxonomic significance of the hymenial sword-like pseudo-cystidia previously mentioned for T. betulina, T. gibbosa and L. warnieri (Ryvarden and Gilbertson 1993; Tomšovský et al. 2006). For the same reason, the basidiospores could not be properly analyzed in these species. Nevertheless, while Pieri and Rivoire (2007) revealed that pseudocystidia were not found in T.