Bacteriophages infect bacteria, hijack their machinery, replicate intracellularly and are released by host cell lysis. They offer various advantages over antibiotics as antibiofilm agents because of their specific, non-toxic, self replicating and self limiting nature [5, 6]. Phage borne depolymerases degrade buy GSK1120212 biofilm exopolysaccharide matrix that acts as a barrier for antimicrobials, infect the organisms and cause extensive biofilm disruption [7]. Since phages are rapidly removed from circulation once injected/ingested, are unable
to penetrate the older biofilms which contain large number of metabolically inactive cells [8] thus it can be said that either phages or antibiotics when used alone do not stand a chance especially against biofilm associated bacterial infections. Therefore, treating biofilms with combinations of chemically distinct antimicrobials might be an effective strategy to kill some of these
different cell types. Iron is an essential factor in bacterial growth participating BVD-523 in oxygen and electron transport processes, essential for biofilm formation in bacteria [9, 10] where it regulates surface motility, promotes biofilm formation by stabilizing the polysaccharide matrix [11] and is considered critical for transition from planktonic to sessile existence. Thus, reducing iron availability has been proposed as a potential means to impair biofilm development by K. pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli etc. [12–15]. In light of this emerging perspective, we undertook the present study to explore the possibility of using an iron antagonizing molecule and a bacteriophage
alone as well as in combination to inhibit biofilm formation by K. pneumoniae B5055. Methods Bacterial Wnt inhibitor strain, phages and growth conditions K. pneumoniae B5055 (O1:K2) obtained originally from Dr. Mathia Trautmann, Department of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University of Ulm, Germany; KPO1K2 and NDP, depolymerase and non-depolymerase producing phages against K. pneumoniae B5055, previously filipin characterized in our laboratory [16–18] were used in the present study. As reported earlier by Verma et al. [16] phage KPO1K2 possesses icosahedral head with pentagonal nature with apex to apex head diameter of about 39 nm. It has a genome of 42 kbps, a short noncontractile tail (10 nm) and a T7 like structural protein pattern suggesting its inclusion into family Podoviridae with a designation of T7-like lytic bacteriophage. The titre of the bacteriophage preparation was estimated by the soft agar overlay method [19] and was expressed as plaque forming units/ml (pfu/ml). Nutrient broth was used routinely for bacterial culture; bacterial dilutions were made in sterile 0.85% sodium chloride (NaCl) whereas dilutions of phage were made in sterile Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS).