For example, uterine tissue
recombination experiments have shown that stromal PR is essential Ion Channel Ligand Library for the inhibition of estrogen-induced epithelial cell proliferation in mice [106]. Using an in vivo epithelia-PTEN knockout mouse model, Janzen and colleagues have revealed that decreased expression of the stromal PR isoform (PR-A) is responsible for progesterone resistance in find more epithelia-derived EC cells [107]. Moreover, in vitro studies in human endometrial stromal cells have demonstrated that progesterone-stimulated IGFBP-1 expression [108, 109] might inhibit estrogen-stimulated epithelial IGF-1 expression and activity [24, 108]. Although stromal IGFBP-1 expression is undetectable or only minimally present in endometrial hyperplasia and EC [110], endometrial stromal cells might play a paracrine role in the regulation of epithelia-derived EC development in women with PCOS [25, 49, 110]. Taken together, the results presented above lead us to propose the following two mechanisms behind the potential anti-cancer effects of metformin in the endometrium from PCOS women with early-stage EC (Figure 2). (1) Metformin activates
the AMPK pathway that suppresses hepatic gluconeogenesis and leads to a reduction in circulating insulin and glucose levels. This reduction in substrates for IR/IGF-1R binding disrupts the activation of the insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathways in epithelia-derived EC cells. (2) In the endometrium, metformin either directly targets Nintedanib in vivo members of the AMPK, mTOR, and GLUT4 axis in epithelia-derived EC cells through the function of epithelial OCTs and MATEs, or inhibits cell proliferation and growth in epithelia-derived EC cells in a paracrine manner by targeting the AMPK and mTOR signaling through the function of stromal OCTs and MATEs. Conclusion and future prospects One causative factor of EC is PCOS, which is a complex and heterogeneous endocrine disorder that affects
a large number of reproductive-age women around the world. Many PCOS women with early EC can be cured of their cancer, but more than 30% of such patients fail to respond to progesterone treatment due to progesterone resistance. Because women with PCOS and early-stage EC are often of young age, they usually wish to retain their potential fertility. Thus it is imperative to develop new and effective non-surgical and conservative treatments for these patients [25, 49]. Our data suggest that metformin can be advocated as another long-term medical treatment option for these patients. Because human endometrium expresses OCTs and MATEs, the potential function of these metformin carrier proteins in the endometrium in women with PCOS and EC is a target ripe for future exploration.