010) and post-sticking region (p < 0.036). The medial triceps activity was higher in every region (p < 0.020; Figures 3 and and4).4). The anterior www.selleckchem.com/products/pazopanib.html deltoid activity was higher in CM, only in the pre-sticking (p = 0.011) and sticking region (p = 0.010) (Figure 4). Figure 3 Mean muscle activities of the lateral and medial triceps and biceps muscles during the pre-, sticking and post-sticking region in the upward part during the counter movement and pure concentric bench press with their standard deviation. * indicates a … Figure 4 Mean muscle activities of the anterior and medial deltoid and major pectoralis muscles during the pre-, sticking and post-sticking region in the upward part during the counter movement and pure concentric bench press with their standard deviation. * indicates …
Muscle activity between the three regions Two-way Anova for repeated measures indicated a significant effect of the region factor on the lateral (p < 0.001) and medial triceps, (p = 0.036), biceps (p = 0.033), and anterior deltoid (p = 0.014) muscle activity while no significant difference in muscle activity between the regions was found for the pectoralis (p = 0.271) and medial deltoid muscles (p = 0.087) (Figures 3 and and4).4). Post hoc comparison revealed that the anterior deltoid, lateral and medial triceps activity increased from the pre-sticking region to the other two regions, but not from the sticking to post sticking region (Figures 3 and and44).
A different development of muscle activity (interaction: condition*region) between the two conditions was found only for the medial triceps; the medial triceps activity increased from the pre-sticking to the sticking region in the CM bench press, while in the CONC condition the muscle increased from the sticking to the post-sticking region (Figure 3). For the other muscles no significant differences in muscle activity development between the two conditions were found. When comparing the regions per condition post hoc comparison showed that for the lateral triceps the pre-sticking activity was lower in the CM bench press compared to the other two regions, while in the CONC bench press the activity was higher in the post-sticking region compared to the other two regions (Figure 3). In the anterior deltoid, activity increased only significantly in the CONC bench press from the pre-sticking to the post sticking region (Figure 4).
Discussion In this study, the kinematics and muscle activity of six muscles in the ascending part of the 1-RM bench press between counter movement bench press and a pure concentric bench press were examined. In both conditions a sticking region occurred. AV-951 However, the start of the sticking region was different between the two conditions. In addition in four of the six muscles, the muscle activity was higher in the CM bench press compared to the CONC one. However, the total impulse was the same for the two bench presses.