24 of 34 studies reported the use of standard laparoscopy instruments for SPLS-procedures, whereas only three authors stated the use of specially adjusted curved SPLS instruments protein inhibitor [9, 21, 23]. The optical systems used were flexible tip cameras in 7 studies, straight 5mm 30�� optics in 15 studies, straight 10mm 30�� optics in 9 studies, straight 5mm 0�� optic in two studies, and a straight 10mm 0�� optic in 1 study. 10 studies reported routine preoperative bowel preparation for SPLS colorectal procedures. 19 studies included patients with previous abdominal surgery in SPLS procedures. Table 1 Perioperative results of SPLS ileoc resection-right hemicolectomy for Crohn’s disease: included studies. Crohn-specific data were given wherever possible.
Table 3 Perioperative results of restorative proctocolectomy (IPAA) in ulcerative colitis: included studies. 3.3. Exclusion Criteria for SPLS Procedures in IBD The vast majority of the SPLS procedures in IBD were selected cases in a nonemergency setting. 13 studies reported exclusion criteria for SPLS procedures in patients with IBD: these were in particular: body habitus, respectively, BMI > 36kg/m2 [11�C13, 23�C27], ASA-classification >3 [23], respectively, significant associated comorbidities [24, 25, 28], hemodynamic instability [27], extensive previous abdominal surgery [23�C30], previous history of peritonitis [12, 13], emergency surgery such as colonic perforation and toxic megacolon [8, 12, 13, 23, 26, 28, 30], colonic dysplasia or malignancy [11, 26], respectively, low rectal malignancy [30], and pregnancy [29]. 3.4.
Technique of SPLS Right Hemicolectomy 22 studies described SPLS right hemicolectomies or ileocecal resections in patients with Crohn’s disease (Table 1), including 4 case reports [8�C17, 20�C23, 27, 29, 31�C36]. Most authors used the umbilicus for accessing the abdomen. The predominant technique was a medial-to-lateral approach with cephaled dissection of the mesentery to the duodenum with a thermal sealing device and/or an endoscopic stapler [9, 12, 23, 29, 30, 33, 36]. Subsequently, the ascending colon was mobilized past the right flexure. Other authors applied a posterior approach to mobilize the colon prior to mesenteric dissection [16, 35]. The ileum and the colon were transected either intra- [29] or extraperitoneally [9, 12, 16].
After extraction of the specimen at the SPLS port site, a side-to-side ileocolic anastomosis was performed using a stapling technique in an open extracorporeal fashion in the vast majority of the studies. Some authors created a loop ileostomy in cases of complicated Crohn’s disease [34, 35]. 3.5. Technique of SPLS Subtotal Colectomy Batimastat SPLS subtotal colectomies with terminal ileostomy in patients with IBD were reported in 14 studies (Table 2) [8, 11, 13, 17, 19, 20, 24�C28, 30, 32, 37]. Two studies reported SPLS colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis [17, 30].