400)] and 3% at month 30 [27 IU/ml (12-1.040)]. Transient virological breakthroughs were observed in few patients only, no resistance to TDF was observed. Serum
creatinine and phosphorus blood levels remained unchanged over time (0.90 mg/dl; 3.3 mg/dl) while eGFR declined from 84 to 80 ml/min. The proportion of patients with eGFR<50 and <60 ml/min (MDRD) increased from 2% to 3% (year 4) and from 7% to 1 1 % (year 4), respectively. The proportion of patients with blood phosphate below 2.3 mg/dl increased from 2%(baseline) to 5.1%(year 4), while 1% of the patients had phosphate <2.0 throughout the study period. Due to renal events, TDF dose was adjusted Hydroxychloroquine in vitro in 19 (5%) patients (eGFR decline in 17; low phosphate in 2) and discontinued in additional 7 (2%) patients who were switched to ETV (Overall, renal events in 26 patients,7%). Nine additional patients
withdrew from TDF and switched to ETV because of nonrenal related side effects. HCC developed in 1 0 compensated cirrhotics (4-year cumulative probability: 1 7%, 4.2%/year) and in 6 non cirrhotics (4-year cumulative probability: 4%, 1 %/year) while no cirrhotics clinically decom-pensated. Overall, 3.7% of patients died (7 for HCC, 1 liver failure, 4 extrahepatic, 2 unknown) and 1.6% underwent liver transplantation (4 PR-171 supplier medchemexpress with HCC, 2 with baseline decompensated disease). In conclusion, 4 years of TDF suppressed HBV replication in most treatment-naïve field practice European patients with CHB without any major renal safety signal but failed to prevent HCC independently of liver disease severity Disclosures: Pietro Lampertico – Advisory Committees or Review Panels: Bayer, Bayer; Speaking and Teaching: Bristol-Myers Squibb, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline,
Novartis, Gilead, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Gilead Cihan Yurdaydin – Advisory Committees or Review Panels: Janssen, Roche, Merck, Gilead George V. Papatheodoridis – Advisory Committees or Review Panels: Janssen, Abbott, Boehringer, Novartis, BMS, Gilead, Roche; Consulting: Roche; Grant/Research Support: BMS, Gilead, Roche; Speaking and Teaching: Janssen, Novartis, BMS, Gilead, Roche, MSD Maria Buti – Advisory Committees or Review Panels: Gilead, Janssen, Vertex; Grant/Research Support: Gilead, Janssen; Speaking and Teaching: Gilead, Janssen, Vertex, Novartis Rafael Esteban – Speaking and Teaching: MSD, BMS, Novartis, Gilead, Glaxo, MSD, BMS, Novartis, Gilead, Glaxo, Janssen Serena Zaltron – Speaking and Teaching: BMS, MSD Mauro Viganò – Consulting: Roche; Speaking and Teaching: Gilead Sciences, BMS Maria G.