5.3. Improving Energy Consumption Structure The government should make policies to promote industrial enterprises to reduce fossil energy consumption including coal and petroleum and improve the proportion of electricity consumption. It is also absolutely essential to vigorously www.selleckchem.com/products/BIBF1120.html develop clean energy such as nuclear, hydraulic, wind, and solar power.5.4. Establishing Energy and Environment Regulation Policies of Incentive CompatibilityThe regulation strategies based on sectors are better than those based on provinces in terms of regulation costs [11]. The emphases of regulation should be shifted to sectors in the short term and take market-oriented instruments of regulation (e.g., prices and taxes) in the long term and especially promote market-oriented reform of electricity and oil industry.
The government also should strengthen the pollution control on pollution-intensive industries, such as power production, nonmetallic manufacturing, ferrous metallurgy, paper manufacturing, food processing, and chemical industries which discharge lots of SO2 and COD.AcknowledgmentsThis study has been supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant nos. 71002086, 71203224) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant no. 12JNQM010).
Hyperchaos, characterized as a chaotic attractor with more than one positive Lyapunov exponent, was first reported by R?ssler [1]. Due to its great potential in theoretical and engineering applications, hyperchaos has been investigated extensively over the past three decades.
Since the hyperchaotic Brefeldin_A R?ssler system was reported, many more hyperchaotic systems have been proposed, such as hyperchaotic Chua’s system, hyperchaotic Chen system, and hyperchaotic LC oscillator system.Very recently, the authors [2] constructed a new 4D hyperchaotic system by adding one state variable into the 3D L�� chaotic system. The new hyperchaotic system is shown in the following form:x�B1=a(x2?x1)+x4,x�B2=cx2?x1x3,x�B3=?bx3+x1x2,x�B4=dx1+kx2x3,(1)where x1, x2, x3, and x4 are state variables; a, b, c, d, and k are system parameters, respectively. System (1) is dissipative and has only one equilibrium point (0,0, 0,0). When a = 35, b = 3, c = 12, d = 1, and k = 0.5, system (1) exhibits a hyperchaotic attractor, which is illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1Hyperchaotic attractor for system (1).In recent years, chaos/hyperchaos synchronization has attracted increasingly attentions due to its potential applications in the fields of secure communication and optical, chemical, physical, and biological systems, and so forth [3�C5].