Apart from chlorophyll and other products of the

Apart from chlorophyll and other products of the Everolimus local ecosystem, such waters contain many substances entering it from the exterior (from rivers,

the land, the atmosphere, the sea bed and shores), which have complex optical properties, not directly correlated with the chlorophyll a concentration ( Woźniak & Dera 2007, Jonasz & Fournier 2007). These allogenic substances contained in the water modify its colour in a more complex manner, characteristic of a given sea region. The use of remote sensing techniques to monitor such waters requires the application of separate, complex algorithms, purpose-designed for a particular sea region. A serious problem hampering the design and use of these algorithms is also the dynamic variability of atmospheric states, which distort the light spectrum bearing information from the sea to the satellite. Work on the development of suitable algorithms for the Baltic Sea has been going on in Poland for the last 20 years by the teams of researchers represented by the Sirolimus authors of this paper. This work, conducted before the SatBałtyk project was embarked upon and described below in section 2, has provided the scientific foundation

and inspired the implementation of this large-scale Project. The beginnings of the remote sensing of the Baltic Sea by Polish scientists go back to the early 1990s. This pioneering work was done at the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN), where marine optics, including optical studies of the Baltic Sea, has been a leading discipline since the early 1960s, and which nowadays is of fundamental importance for the satellite monitoring of this sea’s environment. The first

studies investigated the optical properties of Baltic water constituents, their effect on underwater visibility and the structure of the underwater light 4-Aminobutyrate aminotransferase field (Dera 1963a,b, 1967, 1971, Dera & Ołszewski 1969, Ołszewski 1973, Woźniak 1973). Subsequently, these optical studies were extended to cover different processes in the sea stimulated by sunlight, including the photosynthesis of organic matter in marine algae (Dera et al. 1975, Woźniak et al. 1980, 1989, Woźniak 1990). In the 1990s this provided the impetus on the one hand to develop the modelling of bio-optical phenomena taking place in the sea (Woźniak & Ostrowska 1990a,b, Woźniak & Pelevin 1991, Dera 1995, Woźniak & Dera 2000, Ostrowska et al. 2000a,b), and on the other to devise remote optical methods for studying the functioning of marine ecosystems, in particular techniques based on satellite observations (Pelevin et al. 1991, Darecki et al. 1993, 2005, Ołszewski (ed.) 1995, Woźniak et al. 1995, 1997a, Rozwadowska & Isemer 1998, Antal et al. 1999, 2001, Darecki & Stramski 2004, Rozwadowska 2007, Kowalczuk et al. 2010).

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