Disease found Hrdet are less than 40% chance of survival 6th A large percentage GABA receptor in clinical trials of patients Oivent default agent again for complications from the therapy, including normal high-tone deafness, 7, 8 Nierenfunktionsst Changes, infections and risk of developing secondary Ren induces tumor-9. Thus, it is necessary to adopt new therapies that are more effective and less toxic to develop. Therefore, we introduced a drug screen on two different cell lines NB, new therapeutic agents for patients with NB identified. Results We conducted a screen of 96 compounds, half of the H Them by the FDA for clinical application were approved. The compounds in our screen drugs contained known, different mechanisms of action antimetabolites 8, 12 DNA intercalating agents, topoisomerase inhibitors 12, mitotic inhibitors 5, 44 additionally USEFUL officials on various biological processes, and 15 compounds have unknown mechanisms of action.
Drug screen in the main window, we tested each of 96 compounds in high concentrations and low derived N on SK AS, a neuroblastoma cell line from a stage4. Triciribine We as a compound effective if it inhibits cell growth by at least 40% after 72 hours of the drug Sen treatment of either high or low concentrations. Based on this criterion, there are 33 active compounds and the high concentration of 18 compounds are effective at low concentrations. We have a secondary Ren screen where the many positive reactions were tested on the first screen against a NB cell line SH-SY5Y different. In general, SH SY5Y sensitive than AS cell line SK N for most agents tested in this study.
We confirm to the efficacy of all compounds au He dequalinum, valinomycin, and rapamycin to high and Gheeya al. Page 2 Cancer Biol Ther. Author manuscript, increases available in PMC 27th December 2010. PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author NIH concentration of rapamycin and manuscripts to the low concentration. Therefore, these four compounds were eliminated from the analysis. After using these screens, we identified 30 active compounds in two NB cell lines to 10 M. Of these 30 compounds, 15 were approved by the FDA, currently 5 as standard treatment for NB., 14 are in clinical trials for the treatment of various cancers in children, including 8 for the treatment of NB, and 18 were examined clinically for the treatment of various cancers in adults.
The most active agents against NB cell lines were mitotic and topoisomerase inhibitors. Seventeen compounds have growth inhibitory activity of t on both cell lines at a concentration of 1M NB detected. Of these 17 officers, there are nine FDA-approved compounds. Four compounds are currently being used as a standard means of treating NB, and go six drugs in clinical trials to New Brunswick. Ten of them are in clinical trials for various cancers in children, and 11 compounds are in clinical trials for various cancers in adults. The induction of apoptosis due to the reduced number of cells may need during the treatment with the drug, due to the reduction of the cell cycle and the induction of cell death, or a combination of both. To measure apoptotic activity of pro t of these compounds in NB cell lines, we conducted a Caspase Glo 3/7 Assay ® cell line SK NAS. The high concentration of bortezomib, doxorubicin and daunorubicin caused an induction of more than 20 times of caspase 3/7 activity t, w during bortezomib, camptothecin, and I CDDO caused a decline of about 20 to the regulation of dandruff