If Xj,i(t) is at the start of the turn radius, then Vj,i(t)=min⁡2

If Xj,i(t) is at the start of the turn radius, then Vj,i(t)=min⁡2,Vj,i(t)for  right-turning  vehicleVj,it=min⁡1,Vj,itfor  left-turning  vehicle. (9) 4.4. Lane Changing Rule Illustrated in Figure 8, in urban road network, if (10) is satisfied, the studied vehicle may change its lane. In order to make sure the process

of lane changing is safe, (11) must be satisfied. Aurora Kinase cancer When both (10) and (11) are satisfied, the studied vehicle will change its lane. As the selected updated time interval in cellular automaton is 1s, the velocity will be directly selected as the travel distance: v1,n>d1,d3>d1, (10) v1,nd2, (11) where v1,n is the velocity of the studied vehicle, d1 is the gap between the

studied vehicle and leading vehicle in the same lane, d2 is the gap between the studied vehicle and the following vehicle of the adjacent lane, and d3 is the gap between the studied vehicle and the leading vehicle of the adjacent lane. Figure 8 Basic condition for lane changing. Drivers’ lane changing behavior can be divided into three categories based on the vehicle’s location. When a vehicle enters a road link, the driver will take a specific period to adjust to the traffic environment. During this period, the vehicles generally do not change lane. This period is named “adjustment phase.” After the adjustment phase, the driver will seek for higher speed or his/her target lane. Lane changing action will happen if the condition is met. This phase can be named “free lane changing phase.” If the vehicle does not have the chance to change to its target lane in phase two, the vehicle will decelerate and wait for the right chance to finish lane changing action. As the vehicle entering the target lane must change its lane, this phase is called “forced lane changing phase.” As shown in Figure 9, [0, l1], [l1, l2], and [l2, l3] are the three lane changing phases, respectively. Figure 9 Three phases of lane changing behavior. The lane changing object can either be acquiring higher speed or moving to specific

lane for turning purpose. As such, the lane changing action can be classified into “target type” or “efficiency type.” The lane changing demand will increase Brefeldin_A as the vehicle moves forward. The probability will continually increase until the lane changing action finished, or the probability will be 1 after passing a specific point. Nevertheless, the probability of efficiency type lane changing behavior will not change at phase 2. Two parameters Pl1 and Pl2 are utilized to describe the lane changing probability of the two types of lane changing actions in cellular automaton. The lane changing logic is shown in Figure 10. A in Figure 10 means the current lane, and B represents the target lane. Figure 10 Lane changing logic. 4.5.

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