Of course some are migratory, possibly the majority, but the key question in relation to the value of a large pelagic protected zone is: what proportion? This is important, especially given the comments made by some to me that if the no-take status of Chagos is maintained, then Selleckchem Ruxolitinib their ships would simply line up along the border and catch the fish as they emerge. In other words, why make things difficult for the tuna fishery? However, Sibert and Hampton (2003) model this situation in Pacific archipelagos and find that “the
median lifetime displacement of skipjack ranges from 420 to 470 nautical miles. The lifetime displacement of yellowfin is about 20% less”. So, there is very likely to be a large resident tuna population, a source, or reservoir perhaps, in the archipelago.
Nobody has much idea for that ocean. Sibert and Hampton (2003) go onto comment Proteasome inhibitor on the assumption that these tuna are high migratory: “The term, ‘highly migratory’ appears to have no operational definition in relation to the natural history of tunas. Rather, it is a legal term defined only in the context of the Law of the Sea.” Further: “…the results also suggest that Pacific Island countries can implement effective domestic management policies to promote conservation and sustainable utilization of tuna stocks within their EEZs”. If this applies at all to Indian Ocean archipelagos too then there is great benefit to be gained from the large no-take
region in Chagos for this important pelagic group also. The quantity of bycatch in the Indian Ocean tuna fishery is also unclear. It is barely known for the iconic turtles and seabirds, and largely unknown for most other groups. It is known that sharks are greatly desired and valued, for example, and that lines can be, and are, set to preferentially target high value items such as shark fins for Asian markets. The FAO report that shark numbers in the Indian Ocean are Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II currently at about 10% of their stocks of not long ago, and over half of the world’s oceanic pelagic sharks have declined to the point where they are considered threatened by the World Conservation Union. But quirky rules and poor monitoring also actually permit gross under reporting of bycatch. Lancetfish can and have been caught as frequently as the targeted tuna. But their flesh is apparently soft and undesirable, so they are jerked off the lines before they are landed on the deck. Whether, with their jaws torn off, they can survive seems unlikely, but because they don’t touch the deck they are not recordable as bycatch. In this way, thousands of tons of carnivore are removed annually from the ocean system. One fisheries expert did assure me that in the Chaogs context this only happened for the one year when the observation was reported. An important element in the general ecology which is almost always overlooked, is the supply of bait for longliners.