Patients with a combination of splenic vein obstruction and ascites could be candidates for alternative treatment. However, the low mortality rate of chronic PVT should also be considered when deciding on invasive therapy during acute stage PVT.1 In these patients, new anticoagulant agents may be worth testing in controlled trials. Furthermore, an interaction between the type of underlying risk factor for thrombosis and the type
of anticoagulant agent to be given should be investigated. In conclusion, this study supports early anticoagulation of patients with acute PVT because of the high prevalence of permanent risk factors for venous thrombosis; the absence of thrombus extension, the limited number of cases with intestinal infarction;
the high rate of splanchnic vein recanalization; and the low rate of severe bleeding. Dabrafenib However, in patients with splenic vein thrombosis and ascites detected at imaging, recanalization on anticoagulation is unlikely, and thus other treatment options should be considered. The following investigators comprised the European Network for Vascular Disorders of the Liver (EN-Vie) Scientific Board: Mathias Bahr (Hannover, Germany), Elwyn Elias (Birmingham, United Kingdom), Joan-Carlos Garcia-Pagan (Barcelona, Spain), Antoine Hadengue (Geneva, Switzerland), Harry L.A. Janssen (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Philippe Langlet (Brussels, Belgium), Helena Miranda (Porto, Portugal), Massimo Primignani (Milan, Italy), and Dominique Valla (Clichy, France). The following investigators participated in the study: Belgian MCE Network Silmitasertib for Vascular Liver Disorders. M. Adler (Hŏpital Erasme, Brussels); P. Deltenre (Hŏpital de Jolimont); H. Orlent (UZ Bruges); I. Colle (UZ Ghent). Dutch Network for Vascular Liver Diseases. F. W. G. Leebeek, W. C. M Tielemans, D. C. Rijken, H. R. van Buuren, P. B. F Mensink, R. A. de Man, J. J. M. C. Malfliet, A. Keizerwaard, L. A. van Santen, B. Hansen (Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam); W. R. ten Hove (Groene
Hart Ziekenhuis, Gouda); P. C. van de Meeberg (Slingeland Ziekenhuis, Doetinchem); S. D. J. van der Werf (MC Haaglanden, The Hague); D. J. Bac (Ikazia Ziekenhuis, Rotterdam); R. P. R. Adang (Viecuri MC, Venlo); J. D. van Bergeijk (Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei, Ede); R. Beukers, W. van de Vrie (Albert Schweitzer Ziekenhuis, Dordrecht); L. Berk, A. J. P. van Tilburg (St. Fransiscus Gasthuis, Rotterdam); P. L. M. Jansen (AMC, Amsterdam); A. C. Poen (Isala Klinieken, Zwolle); J. P. H. Drenth (UMC St. Radboud, Nijmegen); J. T. Brouwer (Reinier de Graaf ziekenhuis, Delft); E. B. Haagsma (UMC Groningen, Groningen); M. H. M. G. Houben (Hagaziekenhuis, The Hague); E. T. T. L Tjwa (VUMC, Amsterdam); J. W. J. van Esser (Bronovo Ziekenhuis, The Hague). French Network for Vascular Liver Diseases. Dr. D. Fontenelle (CHG, Auch); D. Robin (CHG, Bayonne); A. Pauwels (CHG, Gonesse); D. Lemercier (CHG, Longjumeau); C. De Kerguenec (CHG, Saint Denis); Dr. L. Sondag (CHG Mulhouse); T.