Proteins DnaK, CH60, and EF-Tu are among the most abundant cellular proteins found in bacteria, including those possessing no flagellum. It is unlikely that these proteins would interact with FliX in a specific manner. Furthermore, when washing the sepharose bead complexes with phosphate buffer containing NaCl ranging from 0.3 to 2.65 M, these three proteins were readily released to the washing buffer throughout the salt gradient, whereas no FlbD or FliX protein could be washed off even with the highest salt strength
used. The co-occurrence of FliX and FlbD in the sepharose bead complexes demonstrates that FlbD indeed directly interacts with FliX inside of Caulobacter cells, and that the affinity between the two proteins is remarkably high. Fosbretabulin We did not observe any other major specific component of the FlbD-FliX complex, although we cannot rule out the possibility that there might be transiently associated proteins, which are not detectable by the method described here. Figure 1 Proteins bound to the sepharose beads coated with histidine-tagged FliX.
Purified FliX-His was conjugated to sepharose beads prior to incubation with cell lysis of LS107. The bead complexes were boiled with the sample buffer and were subject to SDS-PAGE analysis. The identities of the five major bands were determined by mass spectrometry. Interaction between FlbD and FliX is required for stabilizing each other in LGX818 concentration vivo The finding that FlbD and FliX form high affinity in vivo complexes motivated us to examine whether the two proteins depend on each other for existence. We assayed the half-life of each protein in
a wild-type Caulobacter strain (LS107), a strain bearing a deletion in fliX (JG1172), and a strain having a Tn5 insertion in flbD (SC1032). Chloramphenicol was added to cell cultures at mid-log phase to inhibit protein synthesis, and the protein contents of FlbD and FliX were analyzed periodically. In strain LS107, both FlbD and FliX were find more stable; Methocarbamol neither exhibited significant reduction in concentration following 45 min of exposure to chloramphenicol (Figure 2). In contrast, after 45 min, less than 40% of FlbD remained in strain JG1172. Likewise, a similar decrease in FliX level was evident in SC1032 cells. These results indicate that FlbD has a reduction in stability in the absence of FliX, and vice versa. Figure 2 Stability assays of FliX and FlbD. Samples were periodically removed from cell cultures after the addition of chloramphenicol. Cell pellets were analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting using anti-FlbD (upper panels) and anti-FliX (lower panels) antibodies. Site-directed mutagenesis of FliX To learn more about the interaction between FliX and FlbD, we performed site-directed mutagenesis with fliX and investigated the effects of mutations on FlbD activity. Both FlbD and FliX homologs are present in dozens of α-proteobacteria species that possess polar flagella.