Apnia TBI patients in the pr Clinical setting ventilated, we analized the data from the Italian Trauma Registry (rit Among the 753 patients with ISS [15, admitted to three Italian Level 1 CT over a period of 12 months, we identified a subgroup of patients with Sch deltrauma GCS SGX-523 1022150-57-7 \ 9 on the scene and an analysis of arterial blood gases collected only on admission, met 144 patients these criteria. data of 115 patients who were intubated at the places and ventilated artificially the price of admission (IOT group were 29 non-intubated patients (non-IOT. results compared. The patients were not significantly different from the demographics, average GCS (5 vs 5.5, the distribution and average ISS GCS (34 vs entry is 33rd PaCO2 shown in Table 1 , 41% of the points PaCO2 IOT% had \ 35 vs.
17 in the non-IOT, were 8% vs. 3% strong 25th hypocapnic (\ hypercapnia was less hours frequently in the IOT group (23% vs. 34%. Only 36% of IOT patients, compared with 48% not the IOT, PaCO2 levels, admitted within the normal range. However, the mortality was h forth in the Non IOT group (45% in the IOT group (30%, with the h chsten mortality . t in patients MLN8237 1028486-01-2 with non-IOT hypocapnic on admission (80% were both hypocapnia (40% and hypercapnia (40% were associated with a mortality t h here as normocapnia (22% Table 1:. Mortality in Patients intubated and non-intubated Patients and PaCO2 PaCO2 VARIATIONS No. \ 25 26 34 35 45 PaCO2 PaCO2 PaCO2 [45 IOT Group 115 9 38 41 H 27 Todesf ll Pital 35 4 13 8 10 29 1 not IOT 14 April 10 January 13 death in h Pital 3 4 5 CONCLUSION.
Our best data the relationship between the term pr clinical intubation and amortization PaCO2. Although in our series is not IOT patients had a lower incidence of hypocapnia, they were usually hypercapnic and the mortality rate was h forth in the group of non-IOT. REFERENCE (p. Guidelines 1 for emergency intubation immediately after traumatic injury. Journal of Trauma 2003rd 2nd guidelines. Journal of Trauma 2003rd third follow-up analysis of factors associated with head injuries Mortality `After intubation Sequenze Rettungssanit ter quickly. Journal of Trauma 2005th 4 L impact of the pr clinical intubation connected to the output poster session in the Journal of moderate to severe Sch del brain injury for trauma surgery 2005 5 Early ventilation and outcome in patients Crit Care moderate to severe brain injury del Sch Med 2006 Perioperative hormones .
…. 0679 0690 0679 hypothyro after living donor liver transplantation Matsusaki T., H. Morimatsu, T. Sato, M. Hayashi, K. Sato, M. Matsumi, K. Morita, Department of An sthesiologie die andResucitology, OkayamaUniversityHospital, Okayama, Japan. INTRODUCTION be iswell hypothyro associatedwith liver diseases known to die in the final stages. Ver changes occur in pituitary function in patients after big s operations. These Ver changes are referred to as a syndrome euthyro Dian, the decrease in serum triiodothyronine (T3 and thyroxine (T4 concentrations. This hypothyro cube has different causes in different patients, and has different effects in various tissues. literature on hypothyro die after the liver transplantation is limited.
The influence of hypothyro die in liver regeneration is controversial. We examined the fa we prospectively thyroid function Dian and his connection with the liver function may need during the postoperative course, after living donor liver transplantation (LDLT. METHODS.Seventy two patientswho have u LDLT were recorded at our institution between November 2004 and again September 2007. thyroid-stimulating hormone of (TSH, free T3 and T4 level were to Free Inquiry consecutive time points (pr -., postoperative days 1, 7 We also examined factors that mighty thyroid function adversely Dian at Pod1, including normal per-operative factors, we collected postoperative liver function tests, such as aspartate aminotransferase (AST, ALT (alanine aminotransferase, international normalized ratio (INR of prothrombin time (PT and total bilirubin (T Bil at postoperative day 1, 2, 4 and 7 taken.
closing Of course, we have to study the relationship between thyroid function Dian and postoperative liver function. data Were expressed asmeanswith standard deviations.Analyseswere performed using Student, st test and logistic regression to die, as appropriate. considered Ap \ 0.05was. statistically significant results Eleven patients (15% had pr hypothyro operational, again u thyroxine TSH, free T3, free T4 and showed a significant decrease compared to the operational level pr Pod1 (TSH had before: 2763 … 0.47, TSH Pod1: 0.530.54, p \ 0.0001, before freeT3: 2.240.60, Pod1 free T3: 1.440.50, p \ 0.0001, before T4: 1.200.20, Pod1 free T4. 1030 .2, erh ht p0.0005 POD7 TSH from Pod1 (p0 0005, w during POD7 free T3, T4 not Pod1 (p0.37, 0.13 GE changed. patients with the exception of ‘die hypothyro before had no thyroxine in the postoperative course. In the linear regression analysis, we found that age MELD score and with a decreased free T3 were associated in Pod1 (R2:. 0.07,