sion PCR. The cDNA library Ruxolitinib IC50 was then nebulized accord ing to the fragmentation process used in the standard Genome Sequencer shotgun library preparation proce dure. The cDNA library was sequenced according to GS FLX technology. Reads were assembled by MIRA version 3 using enhanced 454 parameters. Mapping to genomic and functional annotation BLAT was used with default parameters to map the Smed454 90e dataset on the S. mediterranea draft genome assembly v3. 1 since the 454 sequences should be very similar to the corresponding genomic sequences, except for the lack of introns. Perl scripts were developed to classify all HSPs into the categories shown in Figure 3. 90e contigs having two or more collinear HSPs covering more than 100bp of the contig, and for which HSPs had more than 90% identity to the genomic contigs and length of the HSP larger than 50 bp, were chosen as 1 to 1 matches to genome.
Once the sequences of the 90e genomic contig pairs were retrieved, exonerate was used to refine the alignments over the splice sites. Perl scripts were used to retrieve the splice sites coordinates Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries from exonerate output, as well as the sequences from geno mic contigs. After clipping the donor and acceptor splice sites for each intron, nucleotide frequencies were com puted and the corresponding position weight matrices for U2 U12 sites were drawn as pictograms using compi. Known S. mediterranea genes were compared with contigs from 90e using BLASTN with the following cut offs, e value 0. 001, identity score 80%, HSP length 50 bp.
GO functional annotation was computed on the BLASTX results of the three assembly datasets against all proteins from NCBI NR. BLASTX Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries parameters were set to Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries e value 10e 25 and maximum number of descriptions and alignments to report 250, which produced around 26 million HSPs for each set. After that, only HSPs with a minimum length of 80 bp and a similarity score of at least 80% were considered. GO annotation was performed on those HSPs using the e value selection criteria and sup porting sequences described for Blast2GO. Further Perl scripts were used to summarize the data shown in Table 2 and Additional Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries File 3. RT PCR In order to validate the expression of a random subset of novel 454 transcripts, RT PCRs were performed on pla narian cDNA generated with Superscript III following the manufacturers instructions.
Additional File 3 includes a list of the contigs validated and the primers used for each of them. Prediction of transmembrane proteins from ESTs A total of 53,867 assembled ESTs and 2,495 additional mRNAs were AV-951 translated into all six reading frames using the transeq program from the EMBOSS package. The longest open reading frame for each EST mRNA was then extracted and maybe used as a protein database for the prediction of membrane spanning proteins. We fol lowed an approach described by Almen et al. basing our analysis on consensus predictions of alpha helices and using three applications, Phobius, TMHMM2. 0, and SOSUI. Phobius and