This is needed by each brand and variety within brands. The FDA has established criteria for some testing, as has the Canadian government. Research Questions Related to Disclosure What aspects of the potential selleck products mass of information the industry has are likely to be useful for achieving the regulatory aims? Although it might be sensible initially to collect everything the industry knows, this has costs, both for the industry and those who need to fund the analysis of the information. Regulators will require systematic analysis of all that is initially required to be disclosed to see if the disclosure regime can be simplified by not requiring information that is not useful, standardizing the collection of information that is, and if necessary, identifying new things to report on.
Smoking machines have been used for decades to generate data on smoke constituents of different brands of cigarettes. The data generated can be misleading to consumers and regulators. Research is needed to determine the most useful testing regimes to use as the basis of monitoring? This is an important question given the way the ISO testing regime (the main existing method of testing cigarettes) was misused in the past. The Canadian intense system, a way of testing that overcomes some of the main problems of the ISO system is now widely used (WHO, 2007) and provides a reasonable basis for action, although further research is required to see if even better methods can be found. There will need to be capacity to independently validate at least a sample of industry-disclosed characteristics of their products, unless all this testing is done by independent, authorized testing agencies.
RESEARCH TO SUPPORT THE REGULATION OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS��ARTICLE 9 Before considering a policy-oriented research agenda, it is necessary to know what the possible policy options for tobacco regulation are. Based on our earlier analysis, we think that there are three broad strategies that could be taken either alone or in various combinations. These are as follows: Acting to set upper limits on individual carcinogens and toxins can be used to reduce potential harmfulness. Regulating to control addictiveness is rather more complicated. Clearly, nicotine regulation is the basis of this. There may be potential to downregulate levels of nicotine, but more research is needed before this could be readily implemented as policy.
Also there is theoretical potential for proscribing additives and/or engineering features where there is evidence that they might be or are designed to affect aspects of addictiveness. Regulating to control attractiveness is also difficult but can also be done through strong controls over the reasons why ingredients are allowed to be added to tobacco Batimastat products. The purpose of the research agenda is to provide evidence on the practicality and likely effects of regulation in these areas to aid policy makers decide which specific policies to adopt.