This method requires the definition of a Flex-HR for each subject, above which there is a good correlation between HR and VO2, but below which there is a poor correspondence between the two parameters. The Flex-HR was calculated as the mean of the highest HR for the resting activities (supine, sitting, and standing) and the lowest HR of the exercise activities. At the end of the measurement session, researchers transferred the minute-by-minute records of the last twenty-four hours from the instrument to
a database. The 24-hour energy balance (EB) Ralimetinib was calculated as the difference between the means of seven consecutive days of 24-hour energy intake and the TEE as a mean of three days. Energy availability (EA) was calculated by subtracting exercise energy expenditure (EEE) from total daily energy intake, and was adjusted for FFM kg [10]. Dietary intervention
After the evaluation of the participants’ nutritional habits, all the athletes were H 89 in vitro informed of nutritional mistakes in their current diets and of the health consequences of dietary deficiencies. Then, for each of the athletes who was qualified for the study, we prepared an individual diet. Taking into account the energy balance and the energy availability, the daily energy intake was established on the basis of the individual energy requirements that had been calculated from the total energy expenditure data. The recommended selleck kinase inhibitor level of protein intake was determined in accordance with selleck chemicals llc the recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine Female Athlete Triad Position Stand (ACSM) [10], taking into account 1.2–1.6 g/kg/d intake. Using the recommendations of Manore et al. [15], the level of carbohydrates and fat intake was determined, which respectively amounted to a minimum of 55% and 25–30% of the daily energy intake. Adequate daily intake for calcium (1000–1300 mg) and vitamin D (400–800 IU or 10–20 mcg) are based on the ACSM recommendations
[10] and on Roupas et al. [16] results. The recommended intake of other vitamins and minerals was established in accordance with Recommended Dietary Allowances for girls aged 16–18 years and women over 19 years, in accordance with Jarosz et al. [17]. The dietary counseling session also included a discussion of special foods for athletes, sports drink, supplements, shopping tips, low-fat and low-calorie food, food preparation, dining out, iron, calcium and vitamins in foods. After first and second month of nonpharmacological dietary intervention, the control of following dietary intervention was conducted. Repeated assessments of total energy expenditure (1 day), energy availability, and the energy and nutrient values of daily diets (3 days) were conducted (data no shown).