This mode of administration also seems to attenuate troponin release and spares treatment resources such as duration of postoperative ventilation and ICU stay. The reported experience in patients with noncardiac surgery is meager but previous results obtained from nonsurgical patients should be largely applicable. The use BKM120 nmr of levosimendan in treating septic myocardial depression or sepsis syndrome is a promising option but remains investigational for today.\n\nSummary\n\nNew practice advisories and proposals for indications to treat and prevent low-output syndrome in patients at risk are warranted for patients undergoing cardiac
surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Levosimendan should also be considered as an adjunct drug for the treatment of cardiogenic shock. Further experience and controlled studies are needed to support the use of levosimendan for other perturbations in critical care and perioperative medicine.”
“Aims: The aim of this study was to explore the roles of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) sponsors and to describe the characteristics of a sample of sponsors. Methods: Twenty-eight AA sponsors, recruited using a purposive sampling method, were administered an unstructured qualitative interview and standardized questionnaires. The measurements
included: a content analysis of sponsors’ responses; Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire-Community version (SADQ-C) and Alcoholics Anonymous Affiliation Scale (AAAS). Results: Sample characteristics were as follows: the median length of this website AA attendance was 9.5 years (range 5-28); the median length of sobriety was 11 years (range 4.5-28); the median number of sponsees per sponsor was 1 but NU7441 ic50 there was a wide range (0-17, interquartile range 3.75); and the sponsors were highly
affiliated to AA (median AAAS score 8.75, range 5.5-8.75, maximum possible score 9). Past alcohol dependence scores were surprisingly low: 5 (18%) sponsors had mild, 14 (50%) moderate and 9 (32%) severe dependence according to the SADQ-C (median 26.5, range 11-56). Sponsorship roles were as follows: 16 roles were identified through the initial content analysis. These were distilled into three super-ordinate roles through a thematic analysis: (1) encouraging sponsees to work the programme of AA (doing the 12 steps and engaging in AA activity); (2) support (regular contact, emotional support and practical support); and (3) carrying the message of AA (sharing sponsor’s personal experience of recovery with sponsees). Conclusions: The roles identified broadly corresponded with the AA literature delineating the duties of a sponsor. This non-random sample of sponsors was highly engaged in AA activity but only had a past history of moderate alcohol dependence.