To avoid bacterial adhesion to dental devices and to reduce cytotoxicity
against eukaryotic cells, we coated BisGMA/TEGDMA methacrylic thermosets with a new material, Chitlac-nAg, formed by stabilizing silver nanoparticles, which have well-known antimicrobial properties, with a polyelectrolyte solution containing Chitlac. Cytotoxicity, cell morphology, cell migration and inflammatory interleukine-6 (IL-6) and prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)) secretion were evaluated. Our results showed that the cytotoxicity exerted on HGFs by our nanocomposite material was absent in our co-culture model, where fibroblasts are able to adhere and migrate. After 24 h thermosets coated with Chitlac as well
as those coated with Chitlac-nAg exerted a minimal cytotoxic effect on HGFs, while after 48 h LDH release rises up 20%. Moreover the presence of S. mitis reduced this release in a greater amount with Chitlac-nAg coated thermosets. The secretion of IL-6 was significant in both Chitlac and Chitlac-nAg coated thermosets, but PGE2 production was minimal, suggesting that the IL-6 production was not related to an inflammatory response. Co-culture and the addiction of saliva did selleck chemicals llc not influence IL-6 and PGE2 secretion. Data obtained in the present work suggest that Chitlac nAg coated thermosets could significantly improve the success rates of restorative
dentistry, since they limit bacterial adhesion and are not toxic to HGFs.”
“Purpose:To investigate the significance of vision-specific quality of life (QOL) in glaucoma patients based on the location of visual field defects.Patients and Methods:We examined 336 eyes of 168 patients. The 25-item National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire was used to evaluate patients’ QOL. Visual field testing was performed using the Humphrey Field Analyzer; the visual field was divided into 10 clusters. We defined the eye with better mean deviation as the better eye and the fellow eye as Nepicastat mw the worse eye. A single linear regression analysis was applied to assess the significance of the relationship between QOL and the clustered visual field.Results:The strongest correlation was observed in the lower paracentral visual field in the better eye. The lower peripheral visual field in the better eye also showed a good correlation. Correlation coefficients in the better eye were generally higher than those in the worse eye. For driving, the upper temporal visual field in the better eye was the most strongly correlated (r=0.509). For role limitation and peripheral vision, the lower peripheral visual field in the better eye had the highest correlation coefficients at 0.459 and 0.425, respectively.