We predict that if we sub stitute the PINK1 MLS with a bipartite presequence of an intermembrane space protein then PINK1 would become soluble and redistribute to the cytosol. When we addressed the role of the transmembrane domain, we confirmed the previous hypothesis that the transmembrane domain, acting as a stop transfer signal, prevents forward selleck Dovitinib import of PINK1 into the matrix. We demonstrated that in the absence of a transmembrane domain, either by deleting the PINK1 TM or by substi tuting PINK1 MLS with a matrix targeting signal, we were able to redirect mitochondrial PINK1 into proteinase insensitive fraction. Thus the transmembrane domain is important, although not sufficient, for mem brane tethering and cytosolic facing topology.
We found that the PINK1 kinase domain, in conjunc tion with presequence cleavage, contributes to cytosolic redistribution of PINK1. Mitochondrial targeted GFP were not found in the cytosol nor was GFP co immunoprecipitated with Hsp90. When PINK1 kinase domain was present and co immunoprecipitated with Hsp90, these recombinant proteins all showed dual subcellular distribution, except for IMMT 151 PINK1. When we introduced natural PINK1 mutation L347P in the kinase domain, we not only disrupted the Hsp90 PINK1 interaction, we increased the mitochondrial PINK1 level, provided that a TM is absent. More PINK1 L347P mutant protein was found in the mitochondrial fraction compared to its wildtype counterpart. To explain why L347P PINK1 and mito L347P PINK1 are found in the cytosol, we believe that a complete loss of Hsp90 inter action is necessary, as demonstrated by GFP proteins.
In our co immunoprecipitation experiment, L347P PINK1 and mito L347P PINK1 showed significant reduction but not a 100% loss of Hsp90 interaction. This residual Hsp90 binding may account for the cytosolic redistribu tion. Of course, to completely eliminate PINK1 Hsp90 interaction will render PINK1 unstable and destine for rapid proteasome degradation. Importantly, we want to point out that decreased PINK1 retention in the cytosol consists of both accelerated degradation and increased PINK1 mitochondrial entry. When Hsp90 inhibitor, 17 AAG, was used in the experiment for Figure 4B, we did not see an increase in total mitochondrial PINK1 comparing untreated to 17 AAG we actually saw a loss of signal. This is probably due to accelerated degrada tion and the loss of total PINK1.
Thus we chose to complement the inhibitor data with the L347P mutation experiment to avoid accelerating PINK1 degradation and other non specific effects from 17 AAG, thereby to focus on how L347P mutation influences Batimastat subcellular dis tribution. In that setting, mitochondrial PINK1 increased. Together, we believe that once PINK1 enters the mitochondria, PINK1 adopts a tethered topology because both the transmembrane domain and the kinase domain prevent PINK1 forward movement into the mitochondria.