(2) Fluorescence emission spectra of diluted/extracted samples (10-fold in ACN) of the formulations: (C) LNC-PCL-2 compared to diluted solution (10-fold) of solution 1 (solution 3) and (D) NC-RS100-2 and NC-S100-2 compared to diluted solution (10-fold) of solution 2 (solution 4). The λ max-em/I f values for the diluted solutions (solution 3 and solution 4) of the primary solutions 1 and 2, respectively, of the
CCT/fluorescent product 1 mixture were Selleck Afatinib 567 nm/40 a.u. (solution 3) and 567 nm/75 a.u. (solution 4) (Figure 6C,D). After diluting the nanocapsules and lipid-core nanocapsule suspensions with ACN to extract the fluorescent product 1, the NC-RS100 and LNC-PCL samples (NC-RS100-2 and LNC-PCL-2) maintained the value of λ max-em = 567 nm with fluorescence intensities of 99 and 45 a.u., respectively. The diluted/extracted LY2606368 NC-S100 sample Niraparib concentration (NC-S100-2) presented λ max-em/I f values of 569 nm/102 a.u. Fluorescence microscopy A cell uptake study was carried out to investigate the potential for the fluorescence of the fluorescent nanoparticles to be used for localization in biological studies. As demonstrated in the fluorescence characterization of the fluorescent triglyceride-labeled nanocapsules and fluorescent triglyceride-labeled lipid-core nanocapsules, the particles containing
the fluorescent triglyceride (product 1) presented red fluorescence (rhodamine B). The cell nucleus appears in blue (DAPI). After 2 h of incubation, red fluorescence was detected in the cells treated with the fluorescent particles (NC-RS100, LNC-PCL, and NC-S100) (Figure 7B,C,D). Fluorescence was not detected in the cells that did Low-density-lipoprotein receptor kinase not receive fluorescent nanocapsules (control group) (Figure 7A).
Figure 7 Fluorescence microscopy images (magnification × 200) after the cell uptake study. Macrophage cells (A) with no treatment and after treatment with (B) NC-RS100, (C) LNC-PCL, and (D) NC-S100. (1) Blue channel, (2) red channel, and (3) blue-red channel overlay. White scale bar in D 3 = 80 μm. Discussion A rhodamine B-labeled triglyceride (product 1) was obtained in order to prepare fluorescent nanocapsules with different properties, such as anionic or cationic surfaces, achieved by changing the polymer used to prepare the nanocarrier. Fluorescent LNC were also prepared.The RhoB carboxyl group was activated by a carbodiimide. This intermediate product reacted with the hydroxyl groups of ricinolein, contained in the castor oil, to produce an ester (product 1) (Figure 1). The fluorescent-labeled product 1 was purified in a preparative chromatographic column. The TLC (Figure 2) image, revealed with UV light, indicated that a fluorescent product was obtained without contamination of the unbound rhodamine B.