However, this band was uniformly present in WT and HtrA2 Omi deficient MEF. Moreover, it did not increase but rather decreased upon induction of necroptosis in WT MEF. There fore, the 15 kDa band most likely represents a cleavage fragment of UCH L1 which is constitutively generated by a protease distinct from HtrA2 Omi, and indepen dent from necroptosis. Park and colleagues have reported that HtrA2 Omi cleaves UCH L1 during staurosporine induced apop tosis, generating a 10 kDa cleavage fragment. We therefore included positive controls for cleavage of endogenous UCH L1 by endogenous HtrA2 Omi by treating WT MEF with staurosporine, and additionally compared them to staurosporine treated HtrA2 Omi deficient MEF.
Furthermore, we employed gel systems that specifically resolve low molecular weight fragments to detect any cleavage fragments that Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries might have been missed in the e periment shown in Figure 4A. In line with the observa tions by Park and colleagues, we detected a very faint UCH L1 cleavage fragment of 10 kDa in lysates from staurosporine treated WT MEF. As an e planation for the low intensity of the 10 kDa fragment, Park and colleagues had previously been unable to detect endogenous cleavage fragments in WT MEF altogether, and had attributed this to an enhanced susceptibility Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of these fragments to degradation. Nevertheless, the presence of this fragment in staurosporine treated WT but not in HtrA2 Omi defi cient MEF confirmed that UCH L1 is cleaved by HtrA2 Omi in staurosporine induced apoptosis.
In contrast, the 10 kDa fragment was clearly absent in all lysates from both WT and HtrA2 Omi deficient MEF ana lyzed for TNF induced necroptosis as well as the accom panying controls. Given these results, we considered it unlikely that the observed decrease of the 25 kDa full length UCH L1 band in necroptotic WT MEF was resulting from a direct proteolytic cleavage of UCH L1 by HtrA2 Anacetrapib Omi. Searching for an alternative e planation, we noticed that the disappearance of the 25 kDa UCH L1 band during TNF induced necroptosis was accompanied by Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the con current appearance of a prominent band of 35 kDa. Like the 25 kDa band, this band was com pletely absent in HtrA2 Omi deficient as well as in un treated WT MEF. To obtain further insight, we e tended the above analysis in a timecourse e periment.
As shown in Figure 4C, induction of necroptosis in WT MEF by TNF zVAD CH caused the appearance of the 35 kDa band within Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries 4 h of treatment and again reduced the levels of the 25 kDa UCH L1 form. Again, this was not detectable in HtrA2 Omi deficient MEF, in line with the results shown in Figure 4A, and once more demonstrating that these changes are mediated by HtrA2 Omi. Interestingly, a band of 35 kDa reactive with UCH L1 antibodies has also been described by other groups, and has been suggested to represent a monoubiquitinated form of UCH L1.