In contrast, AR phosphorylation was strongly inhibited by LY294002 or U0126 alone due to the lower phosphorylation level of AR in LNCaP cells. The level of phosphorylated AR was associated with the induction of apoptosis in both LNCaP and LNCaPH cells. These re sults suggest that Vav3 enhances the phosphorylation of AR at Ser 81 through PI3K Akt and ERK pathways in LNCaPH cells. When LNCaP and LNCaPH cells were treated with SP600125, no alteration in AR phosphoryl ation was observed. This result indicates that JNK is an independent signaling Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries component and its sig naling does not converge with PI3K Akt and ERK, which affect the phosphorylation of AR in both LNCaP and LNCaPH cells. In vivo antitumor activity of si Vav3 alone and in combination with doceta el We first assessed the dose response relationship of si Vav3 atelocollagen comple therapy to optimize the ef fects of si Vav3.
The effects of si Vav3 depended on the amount of the si Vav3 atelocollagen comple , but the difference in the effects of si Vav3 between 2. 5 ug and 10 ug of the siRNA atelocollagen Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries comple was not large. Therefore, we selected 2. 5 ug of si Vav3 50 ul tumor as the optimal concentration for combin ation therapy with doceta el. In our preliminary studies, Drug_discovery the doceta el dose of 20 mg kg ma imally suppressed tumor growth without significant to icity in mice. Therefore, we chose 10 mg kg as a suboptimal dose in the subsequent studies. The tumor growth curves shown in Figure 5B demonstrate that the growth inhibitory ef fect of si Vav3 alone was weak, but the combination of si Vav3 and doceta el was highly effective in inhibiting LNCaPH tumor growth.
On day 70, the average tumor volume for control mice treated with saline was 6. 9 fold greater than that measured when treatment Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries was initi ated. For mice treated with si Vav3, the tumor volumes were 5 fold greater and the size of tumors on day 70 were statistically smaller than those Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of tumors from mice treated with the vehicle control. Doceta el significantly inhibited tumor growth, and the tumor vol ume on day 70 was slightly larger than the average tumor volume determined when treatment was initiated. Tumors from mice treated with si Vav3 plus doceta el were statistically smaller than those from mice treated with doceta el alone, and the tumor volume on day 70 was 59% smaller than that when treatment was initiated.
It appears reasonable to suppose that a lower concentration of doceta el can be used in combin ation therapy with si Vav3 because wide differences were not observed between these two groups despite the stat istical significance of the differences. In addition, during a 70 day observation period, we did not note any to icity in mice treated with si Vav3 plus doceta el, as evaluated by their body weights and physical appearance.