This suggests that activation of MYC suppresses differentia tion in keratinocytes already undergoing terminal differ entiation to allow proliferation. In a more recent study, low, intermediate, or high levels of MYC activity were induced in basal keratino cytes, and showed that MYC drives Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries proliferation at all levels, but at high levels MYC promotes keratinocyte differentiation. Promotion of differentiation may therefore act as a fail safe mechanism against neoplastic conversion of epidermal stem cells. The transcriptome fingerprint of MYC activation is varied in distinct tissues, pancreatic islets and skin Clustering of genes whose expression changed signifi cantly due to the joint effects of MYC activation and the tissue type Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries identified genes whose expression profiles were correlated across the time courses for the two tis sues, indicating possible co regulation and functional similarity.
Genes relating to DNA replication, DNA damage checkpoint and cell cycle showed tight co regu lation, and showed significantly increased expression in the pancreatic b cells. The expression profiles of mini chromosome maintenance deficient genes Mcm2, Mcm5, Mcm6 and Mcm7, Cilengitide whose products make up part of the MCM complex involved in DNA unwind ing, the Cdt1 gene, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries whose product is involved in association of the MCM complex with chromatin, and various helicase related genes were found to be closely related, indicated co expression of genes relating pri marily to DNA replication. Close correlation with these genes was also seen in the pancreas for DNA damage checkpoint related genes Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Atr and Chk1.
These genes showed consistently high levels of expression in the b cells, indicating a key role for DNA damage response and repair in MYC induced apoptosis. Conversely, no significant change was detected for these genes in the SBK. In SBK, close correlation was detected for genes involved in proteolysis, particularly members of the Kallikrein family of serine proteases. Expression of Kal likrein genes was found to increase significantly within 8 hours following activation of MYC, and continued to increase dramati cally throughout the time course. Klk1 and Klk9 have previously been found to be expressed throughout the epidermis of normal human skin, and play a role in degradation of the extracel lular matrix and loss of squamous cells during differentiation. Deregulated expression of Kallikreins has also been implicated in many cancer types. The mouse Kallikreins Klk21, Klk24 and Klk27 have also been shown to be functionally active within the testes, both in degradation of the extra cellular matrix and initiation of survival through degradation of Igf1bp3. Kallikrein proteins have been associated with angiogenesis.