On test day, the animals were injected with 0, 0.25, 0.5, or 0.75 g/kg ethanol and placed in a social approach test in which they could see, hear, and smell a social conspecific, but could not physically interact with it. All the animals showed an interest in the social stimulus, with adolescents engaging
in more social investigation than adults. Restraint stressed adults showed ethanol-induced increases in social investigation, while ethanol effects were not seen in any other group. An ethanol-associated increase in 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalization BX-795 mouse (USV) production was only evident in restraint stressed adolescents following 0.75 g/kg ethanol. 50 kHz USVs were not correlated with time spent investigating the social stimulus in any test condition. These results show that age differences in the facilitatory effects of ethanol on incentive salience of social stimuli are moderated by stress, with the facilitation of social approach by ethanol only evident in restraint
stressed adults. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Localized tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) elevation has diverse effects in brain injury often attributed to signaling via TNFp55 or TNFp75 receptors. Both dentate granule cells and CA pyramidal cells express TNF receptors (TNFR) at low levels in a punctate pattern. Using a model to induce selective death of dentate granule ACY-738 molecular weight cells (trimethyltin; 2 mg/kg, i.p.), neuronal apoptosis [terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated
dUTP-biotin in situ end labeling, active caspase 3 (AC3)] was accompanied by amoeboid microglia and elevated TNF alpha mRNA levels. TNFp55R (55 kDa type-1 TNFR) and TNFp75R (75 kDa type-2 TNFR) immunoreactivity in AC3(+) neurons displayed a pattern suggestive of receptor internalization and a temporal sequence of expression of TNFp55R followed by TNFp75R associated with the progression of apoptosis. A distinct ramified microglia response occurred around CA1 neurons and healthy dentate neurons that displayed an increase in the normal punctate pattern of TNFRs. Neuronal damage was decreased 3-MA inhibitor with i.c.v. injection of TNF alpha antibody and in TNFp55R-/-p75R-/- mice that showed higher constitutive mRNA levels for interleukin (IL-1 alpha), macrophage inflammatory protein 1-alpha (MIP-1 alpha), TNF alpha, transforming growth factor beta 1, Fas, and TNFRSF6-assoicated via death domain (FADD). TNFp75R-/- mice showed exacerbated injury and elevated mRNA levels for IL-1 alpha, MIP-1 alpha, and TNF alpha. In TNFp55R-/- mice, constitutive mRNA levels for TNF alpha, IL-6, caspase 8, FADD, and Fas-associated phosphatase were higher; IL-1 alpha, MIP-1 alpha, and transforming growth factor beta 1 lower. The mice displayed exacerbated neuronal death, delayed microglia response, increased FADD and TNFp75R mRNA levels, and co-expression of TNFp75R in AC3(+) neurons.