Regardless of cell type, classical cell culture techniques typically involve culturing cells on plastic surfaces that bear limited re semblance to the organs from which the cells originate. Traditional two dimensional selleck bio in vitro techniques loose the architecture and geometrical features of tissues in vivo, as well as the gradients of nutrients, oxygen, car bon dioxide and other factors that characterize these tissues. Seminal work in three dimensional model ing by Bissell and colleagues has shown that culturing normal breast epithelial cells in 3D can induce gland for mation, restore cellular polarity and induce upregulated expression of biologically active molecules, thereby simulating the in vivo environment. Similar ap proaches have since been used for other epithelial cell types.
In most instances, 3D cultures display histological features Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and differentiated phenotypes that are rarely achieved in 2D cultures. The aim of the current study was to establish Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries new 3D models of FTSECs, and to investigate whether 3D FTSEC cultures are more biologically relevant models than monolayer Brefeldin_A cultures. We developed in vitro 3D cultures of FTSECs that mimic features of fallopian tube epithelia in vivo, the characteristics of these models suggests that they are suitable for studying both the biology of normal fallopian tube epithelial cells and the early stage development of HGSOCs. Results Isolation of fallopian tube secretory epithelial cells Fallopian tube epithelial cells were isolated from disease free fallopian tubes of women undergoing partial salpin gectomy or total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingoophorectomy.
Epithelial cells were harvested from the ampullary regions of fallopian tube samples. Primary cell cultures were confirmed as epithe lial by immunofluorescent staining to analyze expression of cytokeratin. Two of five FTSEC cultures also expressed the gynecological epithelial cell marker CA125. The absence of stromal contaminants was shown by ab sence of staining for Von Willenbrand Factor Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries VIII, which is expressed by endothelial cells, and the fibroblastic Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries marker fibroblast surface protein. Almost all cells in FTSEC cultures expressed the lineage specific marker PAX8 in the nucleus, indicat ing that U0126 EtOH the cell culture protocol enriched for fallopian tube secretory epithelial cells. FTSECs also expressed vimentin and laminin. FTSECs could be successfully subcultured but had a limited life span in culture, which is typical of primary cells. Primary FTSECs proliferated for 34 60 days at which point cells ac quired senescent morphologies and expressed senescence associated B galactosidase.