Vf = ventral flagellum; Df = dorsal lagellum. B. TEM showing the separation (arrowhead) of the feeding pocket (asterisks) from the flagellar pocket (FP) near cytostomal funnel (cyt) and the expanding accessory rod (ar). C. TEM showing the diminishing feeding pocket (asterisks), the cytostomal
funnel (cyt), and the separate flagellar pocket (FP). D. TEM showing GW3965 ic50 the accessory rod (ar) with its characteristically folded shape becoming more tightly linked to the main rod (r). Lobes of the feeding pocket (asterisk) and the flagellar pocket (FP) are also still visible. MtD = mitochondrion-derived organelle; double arrowheads = spherical-shaped episymbionts. (bars = 2 μm). Figure 7 Transmission electron micrographs (TEM) of non-consecutive serial sections through the anterior part of Barasertib purchase the nucleus of Bihospites bacati n. gen. et sp. Figures 7A-F are presented from anterior to posterior. A. TEM showing the nucleus (N) and the accessory rod (ar) surrounded by electron-dense material (Images are viewed from the anterior side of the cell: D, dorsal; L, left side of the cell; R, right side of the cell;
V, ventral). B-C. TEMs showing the main rod (r) near the striated fibres (SF) of the accessory rod (arrow). D. TEM showing the left side of the nucleus (N) appearing behind the rod (r) and accessory rod (ar). The white arrow shows the presence of bacteria near the rod. E. TEMs showing the main rod (r) and the accessory rod (arrowheads) on the dorsal and ventral sides of the nucleus. F. Ro 61-8048 concentration Transverse TEM at the level of the vestibulum showing the disappearance of the ventral side of Exoribonuclease the main rod (r) and the drastic reduction of the accessory rod (arrowhead). Note the indentations in the nucleus for accommodating the main rod and accessory rod (A bar = 500 nm; B-F bar = 2 μm). Figure 8 Transmission electron micrographs (TEM) of non-consecutive serial sections through the posterior part of the nucleus of Bihospites bacati n. gen. et sp. Figures 8A-D are presented from anterior to posterior. A-C. TEMs
showing the rod (r) and the folded accessory rod (ar) nestled within indentations in the dorsal and ventral sides of the nucleus. The ventral part of the accessory rod runs close to the main rod for most of its length and extends toward the flagella on the ventral side of the cell. N = nucleus; D, dorsal; L, left side of the cell; R, right side of the cell; V, ventral; Images are viewed from the anterior side of the cell. D. TEMs showing the main rod (r) and the accessory rod (ar) reaching the posterior end of the nucleus (N). The main rod consists of parallel-arranged lamellae. Most of the nucleus and the main rod have disappeared from the section. The accessory rod (ar) consists of striated fibres that wrap around the main rod and the nucleus (bars = 2 μm). The anterior ends of both C-shaped rods terminated near the antero-ventral region of the nucleus (Figure 9).