The sensitivity of the estimated plasmid loss parameter σ DS of t

The sensitivity of the estimated plasmid loss parameter σ DS of the DS model for the estimates of the intrinsic growth rate and the maximum GDC-0068 in vitro density K

was determined for ten-fold smaller and ten-fold larger values of and K. The third and final step was estimation of the conjugation coefficient from experiments 2a-b. We estimated either two separate conjugation coefficients γ D and γ T for the donor and for the transconjugant, or a single conjugation coefficient for both (γ = γ D  = γ T ). Long term behaviour For the long term behaviour of the system, we simulated the outcomes of the population dynamics for a situation in which the populations are regularly diluted 10 000 times and transplanted to new medium. This was done for either 24 h selleck screening library intervals or 48 h intervals. The initial concentration of the first round was T 0  = 105 and R 0  = 102. We used the parameter estimates from the mixed culture experiment 2 only, because the simulation also concerned a mix of R and T. The results of the simulations were compared to those of the long term experiment (experiment

3). We simulated five scenarios: no fitness costs (basic model), a lower growth rate of T, a lower maximum density of T, plasmid loss with constant rate (the CS Captisol model), and plasmid loss with density-dependent rate (the DS model). For the two scenarios with a lower growth rate or a lower maximum density of T, we used values that were 0.80, 0.90, and 0.95 times the value of the recipient R. These values are within the confidence intervals of the estimated parameters values (Table 2). For the Amisulpride CS model and DS model, we used 80%, 90% and 95% of the upper limits of the estimate of the plasmid loss parameters (Table 2). Table 2 Estimates of the intrinsic growth rate ( ψ ), maximum density ( K ), lag-phase ( λ ) and initial concentration ( N 0 ) from experiment 2a and 2b (with mixed populations of R and T ) Parameter Value   95% confidence interval ψ 1.86 h-1 (1.49 – 2.33) K 9.33 108 cfu/ml (7.79 108 – 11.2 108) λ 1.17 h (0.70 – 1.64) N 0 2.51 106 cfu/ml (1.75 106 – 3.60 106) Results

Parameter estimates In Table 1 the estimates of the best model based on the AICc and the full model are given (for all other fits see Additional file 4, Table A1-A3). No differences in growth rate ψ, maximum density K or length of lag phase λ were found between the donor D, recipient R and the transconjugant T in experiment 1, where single populations were grown. Also from mixed populations in experiment 2, no difference was found between the overall growth rate of the donor D and the combined populations of recipient R and transconjugant T (see Additional file 4, Table A4). The estimated values of the growth parameters from experiments 2a-b (Table 2) were used in the simulations of the long term experiment.

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